The Breath School

The Breath School

What Is The Breath School?

The Breath School™ is not just about learning how to be a facilitator of Empowered Consciousness Breathwork. Although you can do that here too.

The Breath School™ is an organisation, a Love field, a directive for our lives, and for the lives of all those that we come into contact with.

It’s a download, a channel, a portal into remembering our greatest and most divine tool. The connection to our Holy Source. Our Spirit. Love.

The Breath School™ is a journey, a trip into remembering Truth. Truth beyond media, beyond gossip,  beyond whispers of what felt like truth in the past. It is a passageway into your Soul. A lifeline into your deepest knowing. It is a place to remember,  to witness, to create.

The Breath School™ is a hand that holds yours and a community of compatible beings. It is a space where we get real, where we go deep, and where we become our most glorious unfolding.

IPHM Worldwide Accreditation